September 18, 2013 | Media News
Chronic Housing Shortage in Iraq, Minister Urges For Foreign Investments
After decades of war, it is quite natural for a country to plunge into several crises. Iraq has recently come up with an economic success, though plenty of problems are there that should be given close watch. The housing sector of the country should be revamped immediately in order to accommodate the people within the country with safety. Plenty of people are there, who lost their houses during the war tenures and still, they are searching for a roof on their top. »
September 16, 2013 | Media News
Iraq faces chronic housing shortage, needs foreign investment -minister
Iraq is mired in a housing crisis, with the war-ravaged country likely to complete only 5 percent of the 2.5 million homes it needs to build by 2016 to keep up with demand, the Minister for Construction and Housing said on Monday.
Experts expect the private sector to account for up to four-fifths of new builds in Iraq, and the bulk of this investment will come abroad. But foreign investors are deterred by stifling bureaucracy and government inexperience in managing projects, while the worsening security situation is also a worry. »
August 1, 2011 | Media News
Iraq sitting on a pot of black gold
By 2020, Iraq plans to be producing 12 million barrels of oil per day. Is this beleaguered country the next shining opportunity for canny business people? »
March 20, 2011 | Media News
Businesses need a post downturn boost
Companies across the UAE are giving their business strategies a face-lift. It’s in a bid to remain competitive in the face of growing competition, as the global market recovers from the economic downturn. According to management consultancy Management Partners, companies that want to thrive have no choice but to rethink their operating strategies.
ARN spoke to partner Amar Shubar who gave his insight about companies’ approach before and after the economic downturn. Shubar describes how after the abruption of a significant growth period, companies are now more cost-conscious and focussed on finding new operating models. These new models are intended to manage a more sustainable cost base which greatly differs from the one preceding the economic downturn.
Shubar then points out that this renaissance is good news for consumers. He underlines that in time of considerable growth, companies were just focussed on managing growth and demand. Since the growth phase has been interrupted, companies turned to an approach more directed to improve the quality of their services and products. This new line aims at maintaining the clientele in light of the increasing competition on the market. This newly adopted strategy, centred on achieving higher-level products, is still an ongoing process but it is progressively achieving its consolidation. »
March 7, 2011 | Media News
Developments in the Middle East highlight need for region’s businesses to transform
Management Partners, a top-management consultancy, has spoken out in favor of the growing number of companies and public institutions in the Middle East that have embarked on enhancing and rejuvenating their strategy, operations and service delivery models. The move is particularly important in the light of effects of the financial crisis and regional change on businesses. A provider of consulting services to such companies is Management Partners, which has celebrated the launch of its new Dubai office on Thursday, 17 March 2011. »
March 7, 2011 | Media News
Developments in the Middle East highlight need for region’s businesses to transform 2
Management Partners, a top-management consultancy, has spoken out in favor of the growing number of companies and public institutions in the Middle East that have embarked on enhancing and rejuvenating their strategy, operations and service delivery models. The move is particularly important in the light of effects of the financial crisis and regional change on businesses. A provider of consulting services to such companies is Management Partners, which has celebrated the launch of its new Dubai office on Thursday, 17 March 2011. »
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